Blog Guidelines and Considerations for Submissions
for advocating for an international day related to our profession
This blog is under the purview of the WNAR-APCDA. Email your submission to Professor Redd, dredd@vcccd.edu, with Subject: BLOG
1. To eliminate copyright issues:
a. Do not include an image with your post because one will be selected from Wix.
b. Do not include video unless you made it yourself. If you decide to do so . . .
i. Get a URL for your video because it will not be uploaded.
ii. If you deem video is necessary, then please be conservative when linking it in
your submission. (i.e.TED Talks). Blog Master needs to watch the video before
making the post. (Note: Most people, especially students should not be burden
with a video more than a minute - five in length of time.)
2. Profile Image: We need one for you!
Submit a photo (or avatar) as a jpg/jpeg the first time you submit. Include your highest
educational title (i.e. M.S., B.A., PhD.), country in which you reside, and professional title.
3. The earlier you submit the better especially considering posts are only done on Saturdays
and Sundays, PST/PDT Zone.
a. Tie your post to career and livelihood.
b. Tie your post to some of the UN SDGs.
c. Include the link to the United Nations or UNICEF page of the day.
d. Include recommended hash tags (#).
4. Edit your own work. Feedback will not be provided unless there is content that needs to
be rewritten or eliminated. Inappropriate or controversial comments will not be posted.
5. Submit your entry using Arial, 12 pt (the preferred font and size).
6. Remember that the blog is international and for people from all walks of life and
socioeconomic backgrounds. Unless tied directly to the UN Day, avoid religious and
political commentary. Be sensitive.
7. Be kind and patient with the Blog Master who, remember, is just one person.
8. Subscribe to the blog so that you get updates.
9. Posting is only done on Saturdays or Sundays PST or PDT Zone.
10. Remember to share the posts and overall blog on LinkedIn, Twitter. Currently, Meta
social media doesn't accept websites from Wix.
11. Communications about your post will be through LinkedIn
12. Sign-ups for posting are done through dredd.@vcccd.edu
a. If you are on our mailing list, you will be invited to select a day or days to write up two months in advance.
b. The list will be sent monthly on our near the 1st.
13. Realize we appreciate your contributions. Thank you. If you sign-up to post and don't,
realize you will not be judge. You could be busier than expected. If need be, submit the
post late or select a different UN day.
14. You are appreciated. Thank you so very much.